On October 13th, 2018, new UST regulations go into effect that will both update existing requirements and add new requirements for operating and maintaining UST equipment. Below are several resources operators may find helpful in understanding these changes and passing A/B and C Operator exams:
NJGCA Resources:
- NJGCA Class C Certification Program: NJGCA made getting in compliance quick and easy! Get all your Class C Operators certified using our online program
- Class C UST Operator Training Site Checklist: Use this site-specific checklist with your potential Class C Operator to ensure they know where important alarms, equipment, etc. is located.
- NJGCA Emergency Release Response Plan April 2018: This form, which lists important contact information in the event of an emergency, should be filled out and placed in an easily located spot at your station.
- Registering For Your A/B Operator Training and Exam: Point-and-click instructions on how to sign up for the Rutgers training classes and ICC Operator Exam, as well as how to access the EPA practice test.
- I Passed My A/B Operator Exam…Now What Do I Do Next?: Guidance document for after you have passed your A/B Operator exam, or what to do if you fail and will not be in compliance by October 13, 2018.
Other Helpful Resources
- *New* Annual Site Remediation Reform Act Program Fee Calculation Report – Includes the annual FY 2019 and FY 2020 fees.
- DataMiner: NJDEP just updated their DataMiner reports which shows expired or invalid UST registrations. By scrolling down to the “Underground Storage Tank” section, you can search these expired or invalid UST registrations by county. This database also provides users with LSRPs, Distributors, attorneys, and site remediation information.
- Instructions for UST Facility Certification Questionnaire & UST Facility Certification Questionnaire
- Musts For USTs
- NJ UST Renewal Checklist – Hunterdon & Somerset County SAMPLE
- *New* NJDEP Underground Storage Tank Compliance and Enforcement Resources Page – This is considered NJDEP’s main resources page for UST documents.
- NJDEP UST Training For Class A & B Operators
- NJDEP Operation and Maintenance Walkthrough Inspection Checklist
- Operating and Maintaining Underground Storage Tank Systems: Practical Help and Checklists (EPA)
- Reciprocity Listing for Out-Of-State Class A and Class B Operator Training Programs
- Regulated Underground Storage Tank Registration Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Release Detection for USTs and Piping – Straight Talk on Tanks
- Right to Know Hazardous Substance Fact Sheet