August 7, 2009
Dear NJGCA Member:
Communicating with people sometimes has unintended consequences.
Take last week for example: We sent out information on the updated API Product Delivery Color Code system. Our intent was to keep you abreast of what’s going on in the industry, but the responses I got were unexpected – and disconcerting.
Stunningly, many members asked: “Do I have ethanol in the gasoline I sell?”
If you do not know the answer to this question, then you should be worried – If only because you aren’t aware how industry changes are affecting your small-business.
The simple answer is that the gasoline you sell today DOES contain ethanol – and has for many years.
Back in the early 1980s, the US Environmental Protection Agency deemed that all gasoline sold in the United States must contain oxygenates. Oxygenates - such as alcohols and ethers - are hydrocarbons that contain one or more oxygen atoms. Easily blended with gasoline, these additives are used as a means to burn fuel more completely and cleanly.
Eventually, MTBE – methyl tertiary butyl ether – was selected as the fuel-oxygenate and was successfully used in gasoline nationwide. Much later, however, it was discovered that MTBE had a unique, negative property: It traveled through the soil and into ground water very rapidly compared to other oxygenates. This was a huge problem because leaking underground storage tanks would pose an incredible threat to our drinking water and the environment.
In light of this, the EPA adopted ethanol as a new oxygenate in 2000, and by 2004, all gasoline sold in New Jersey was blended with ethanol.
So how does this relate to the question above?
First it concerns me because your pumps are supposed to be clearly marked with how much ethanol is in the fuel they are dispensing. If you are selling unleaded gasoline in New Jersey that means you are selling E10 – or gasoline that is blended with 10% ethanol per volume.
Secondly it worries me because each of your fuel delivery invoices must be clearly marked with ethanol content. This means that those who are questioning their ethanol content may not be reviewing their own paperwork in running your business.
But most of all this upsets me because it may mean that you are LOSING money! Among its many properties, ethanol also has the ability to corrode certain types of metal. That should worry you since it WILL AFFECT the meter inside your dispensers and eventually allow your pumps to unknowingly GIVE AWAY gasoline. And the more you pump, the worse it gets (high volume stations beware).
It is for this reason that we continually have asked you to keep your pumps calibrated, getting them checked each quarter to make sure they are within legal tolerances. At the very minimum, doing this will prevent you from losing THOUSANDS in profit every month.
But there is another reason why this should concern you: Having out of tolerance pumps will get you fined by the Department of Weights and Measures. As we all vividly remember from the Attorney General’s which hunt last summer, facts can be twisted to turn honest businessmen into “scammers” and "crooks". Why even allow a state official – let alone an overzealous Attorney General looking for headlines – hurt you for GIVING AWAY gasoline for FREE?
I strongly recommend that you use your 5-gallon test can daily to test your calibration. I know it seems like a pain to do, but the alternative is to give product away for FREE! And with already slim profits, you cannot afford such generosity.
Here’s another funny thing about communications: No matter how thorough Team NJGCA is in getting important and timely information to you, we simply CANNOT make you read it.
This is a fact that I am continually reminded off – and I find it utterly unacceptable.
To recount our latest example, we got a phone call from a member yesterday who signed up for the new Parsons/MVC inspection program. He ordered the $8,000 in new equipment on his credit card, but was later SURPRISED to find that his card was charged without receiving his equipment. He called asking why this happened and wanted our help.
Those of you who regularly read the Road Warrior – or any of our NJGCA communications – will most assuredly find yourselves bemused by this member’s situation. After all, we sent out countless emails and notices updating you on the entire Parsons/MVC equipment fiasco. From the minute we became aware of the onerous “pay in full up front” stipulation to Parson’s final arrogant “take it or leave it” offer, you were informed the whole way!
This member, however, told us that he didn’t have time to read the Road Warrior regularly and now finds his wallet $8,000 lighter. That could have easily been avoided!
Each week, every one of our members is sent the Road Warrior via email and/or fax. Trust me when I tell you - IF WE ARE SENDING IT, IT IS WORTH READING!
Think about it. How long did it take you to read this entire message? Even a slow reader probably got through it all in 4 minutes or less. Isn’t it worth reading something with so little effort if it can potentially save your business valuable resources?
No one can operate a business in a bubble. There’s a big world out there and it stops for no one. The benefit of membership in NJGCA is that we’re here to watch your back and keep you informed. Don’t squander that! Use it to be a better business owner and help your establishment thrive! Failing this and you may suffer consequences which could have easily been avoided.
Thanks for listening - See you next week!
Sal Risalvato
Executive Director
•Take your inspector Refresher Course with NJGCA! Dates and times below!
BUSINESS TOOLS: Great Savings for NJGCA Members!
•Want to SAVE MORE money on your business expenses? Take advantage of our MBPs!
•Get Computer Networking and Accounting Program Solutions at GREAT SAVINGS!
•Take advantage of this program and get recognized for your "green" credentials!
•Federal Cash for Clunkers program stalls; $2 billion infusion expected
•Governor set to approve experimental-county tax assessor.
•Federal Officials: No guarantee middle-class taxes won’t increase
•Federal corruption case may expand as defendants are turned
Check out all of our MBPs and Programs designed to SAVE YOU MONEY!
Looking for something? Take a look at our list of useful links!
Find all our communications and search for old e-newsletters. Take a look!
Need to catch up on events? Want to see what's going on? Find out here!
Henry Darden: Territory Manager for Middlesex, Union, Part of Essex (Southern Half)
Cell: 908-247-2992
Email: henry@njgca.org
Jack Leli: Territory Manager for Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Ocean, Salem
Cell: 732-995-1637
Email: jack@njgca.org
Bob Quirk: Territory Manager for Bergen, Hudson, Part of Essex (Northern Half)
Cell: 201-214-8836
E-mail: bob@njgca.org
Frank Stewart: Territory Manager for Morris, Sussex, Warren, Hunterdon, Passaic
Cell: 973-234-7403
Email: frank@njgca.org
Don Stohrer: Territory Manager for Monmouth, Mercer, Somerset
Cell: 732-539-2955
Email: don@njgca.org 
The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission has recently sent out a VID message to all Private Inspection Stations in state.
All currently licensed Inspectors must complete an Inspector refresher course and pass a general knowledge exam with a grade of 80% or better to remain in the program. If any test-taker answers 11 questions wrong, they will automatically fail. A hands-on test for licensed Inspectors will not be required.
Inspectors will have until December 31, 2009 to take and pass the test.
Current Licensed Emission Inspectors only need the “Re-Fresher Course” and the “Written Exam”. New Emission Inspectors will be given a “Hands On” test separately at your place of employment by the State of New Jersey.
NJGCA will be offering refresher courses at the following two locations. Classes will take place over five evenings and one afternoon:
NJGCA Headquarters
66 Morris Ave.
Springfield, NJ 07081
September: 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, and 24
Bob's Precision Auto Repair
1264 Hwy 35 South
Middletown, NJ 07748
August: 11, 13, 18, 20, 25 and 27
October: 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, and 22
NJGCA Members Cost - $349.00
Non-Members Cost - $489.00
Manuals are included in the prices above and payment is due upon registration. All classes are 6:45 pm to 10:00 pm; the “Written Exam” will be given on the last day at 12:00pm at NJGCA Headquarters in Springfield, NJ.
If you are interested, please contact our office to enroll in a class.
Please contact Debbie Hill at 973-376-0066 with any questions.

BUSINESS TOOLS: Great Savings for NJGCA Members!
In a difficult economy, EVERYONE wants to SAVE as much as possible!
Luckily NJGCA has just what you need to save you a bundle!!
Take a look at the list below for some of our MBP products and services – And start saving TODAY!
•Garage Liability Insurance: Get great coverage and earn a dividend for qualified location. Also offering your employees discounts insurance products (home, auto, etc).
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•Commercial and Personal lending specialists
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•Collection Agency Services at discounted rates
•Credit Restoration Services
•Phone Service 20-30% lower than Verizon or AT&T
•Computer and Office Supplies
•Industry Specific Business Consulting
•Environmental Remediation, Testing and Consulting
•Pump and Tank Contractors to stay in state compliance
•Service Station Supply Contractors, include Bulk Oil
•Automotive Tools, Scanners, Shop Equipment, Lifts at great prices
•Coin Operated Air/Vacuum Machines - Installed Completely Free
All Quotes are FREE - BUT ONLY NJGCA MEMBERS can partake in the Savings.
Call Phil Apruzzi at 973-376-0066 to get quotes on all these MBP services and start saving today!!

Computer Networking and Accounting Program Solutions
With experience since 1972 in the auto repair, gasoline, and convenience store industries, ABLE-TECH provides business owners specialized tools for better business management and control.
Our offerings include:
• Industry-specific business consulting with a special focus on theft analysis,
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• Bookkeeping software that integrates all profit centers, with interfaces for most electronic cash registers.
• Video surveillance systems that watch (and listen too) your business when you’re not there.
Don’t hesitate to call! NJGCA Members will be eligible for discounts.
Contact Dan Goff at (800) 231-9969, email: dangoff@verizon.net or Phil Apruzzi at 973-376-0066, email: phil@njgca.org.

NJGCA is participating in the NJ Green Automotive Repair Council along with AAA-NJ, the NJ Coalition of Automotive Retailers (NJCAR), and the NJ Department of Environmental Protection.
The council's mission is to encourage NJ automotive repair facilities to adopt environmentally responsible business practices.
Through a certification program for dealership and independent automotive repair facilities, the council will also establish “green” repair standards. Those who are reviewed and qualify will receive certification. Stickers will also be given to those facilities to illustrate their participation in the program.
If you would like to participate in the program and fill out an application, please contact Debbie Hill at 973-376-0066. An application fee and annual review fee are applicable.
More facts about the program are available www.njgreenautorepair.org

Federal Cash for Clunkers program stalls; $2 billion infusion expected
After a popular federal program designed to spur automotive sales ran out of money and was halted, the US Congress is now expected to add an additional $2 billion into the "cash-for-clunkers" programs. White House officials predict that the revised program, now totaling $3 billion, may create 500,000 additional cars sales.
Governor set to approve experimental-county tax assessor
In a move aimed at reducing government overhead and saving taxpayer dollars, Governor Corzine may soon sign into law a measure which will create the first countywide property tax assessor in Gloucester County. This experimental position will allow the county’s tax administrator to also assume the role of tax assessor for the county’s 24 towns. Taxpayers are expected to save an estimated $1.5 million annually, and if successful, may be rolled out in New Jersey's remaining 20 counties.
Federal Officials: No guarantee middle-class taxes won’t increase
As the federal government continues to spend money to reform the ailing economy, two Obama Administration officials have stated that raising taxes on middle-class Americans maybe part of a health care overhaul. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and National Economic Council Director Larry Summers both failed to rule out a tax hike to lower the federal deficit or pay for a new, universal healthcare system.
Federal corruption case may expand as defendants are turned
After 44 people were recently rounded up in a massive federal corruption and money laundering sting, experts believe that federal prosecutors are now widening their investigation by turning defendants into informants. Legal analysts believe that this will undoubtedly lead to new charges and further criminal prosecutions.