October 30, 2009
Dear NJGCA Member:
Election Day is next Tuesday and the Gubernatorial and Assembly candidates are touring the state this week to make their closing arguments to Garden State voters. To the most casual observers, there is no doubt that the torrent of information out there has created confusion, and often consternation, about this year’s race.
Still, do not let the relentless negative ads, attack pieces, or political pundits distract you from voting to protect your interests. I have stated many times before; you have A LOT at stake in this year’s outcome.
NJGCA has tried to educate you on where the candidates stand, what their records illustrate, and even sent you our Voter Guide to help you make your final Election Day selections. If you have not read our Voter Guide yet, click HERE
While issues such as property taxes, business climate, over-regulation, and others are all important, one issue takes precedence over all in harming your business: A GAS TAX HIKE!
A recent write-up by Mobilizing the Region, a tri-state transportation news and opinion site, has outlined some pretty stark differences among the Gubernatorial candidates on this one topic alone. To read the piece, click HERE
The talking heads continue to claim that we need a Gas Tax Hike for infrastructure repairs and roadway improvements. However, these proponents continue to overlook the fact that fiscal mismanagement in Trenton has robbed the Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) over the years and now they want to stick us all with the bill. This is not only unneeded, it is irresponsible!!
We respect Governor Corzine for supporting us on First Right of Refusal, but his support for a Gas Tax Hike to replenish the TTF and build a new mid-town tunnel to Manhattan is the wrong solution at the wrong time. Our state is already over-taxed and over-regulated.
I am concerned that Independent candidate for Governor Chris Daggett has gotten some traction in the closing days of the election. Many folks are not happy with establishment Democrat and Republican candidates and feel that a vote for an Independent candidate is an acceptable alternative. However, this Independent candidate has gathered momentum even though he has a much worse plan to govern the state. Anyone who is unhappy with the high taxes that NJ pays under Governor Corzine will vomit if Chris Daggett were to be elected.
Not only does Daggett support Governor Corzine’s notion of a Gas Tax Hike to replenish the TTF, but he wants to extend the Sales Tax to all products and services sold in New Jersey. Yes, that means he wants to add a Sales Tax to Gasoline. A Tax Hike to every transaction! Imagine the logistical and accounting pains you’ll have to endure if you are required to add 7% sales tax at the pump. That means that when the pump totals $10 for the sale of gasoline, that you will be required to collect an additional 70 cents from the customer, and then remit that amount with your sales tax return on the 20th of every month! Shortages will become a bigger nightmare and you will have to remit thousands of dollars. A station that sells 100 thousand gallons of gas every month will be required to remit approximately $20,000 every month. If you think totaling your sales tax receipts at the end of each month is a nightmare now, just wait. You ain’t seen nothin yet!
The only candidate who has repeatedly stated that he will not consider a Gas Tax Hike to fund the TTF is Chris Christie. Christie has said the state must live within its means and adding additional taxes in the middle of an economic recession would only hurt middle class residents, and by extension, the small business owners who serve those residents. I couldn’t agree more.
Before you flood me with emails and try to pick apart my analysis, let’s review what a Gas Tax Hike means to your small business.
No matter if you are a gas station owner, a convenience store owner, or run a repair shop, a Gas Tax Hike WILL AFFECT your establishment. New Jersey is a commuter state; we depend on our cars to get us from home to work and back again. A low gasoline tax not only allows us to get around, but brings consumers within proximately of your small business and helps your bottom line. Any measure that hinders this – and forces people to either drive less or work from home – means less revenue for you.
Presently, NJ gasoline retailers sell millions of gallons to out of state motorists from New York and Pennsylvania. Motorists from neighboring states cross the river to make their purchase here in order to save the higher taxes charged in their states. Once taxes are raised in NJ, motorists from our neighboring states will just buy gas where they live. New Jersey may even lose revenue. BUT…When you lose your customers YOU WILL LOSE REVENUE!
But you don’t have to take it solely from me. Look at recent history. Last year we experienced a gas-price spike that clearly illustrated how paying more for gas hurts business owners. Stations sold less gas and made smaller profits. People drove fewer miles and had less need for auto repair services. Convenience store owners had less morning and evening rush hour traffic at their shops as few residents commuted to work. And in every instance, the spike in prices meant people had LESS MONEY in their pocket in which to patronize your small business.
A Gas Tax Hike does the EXACT SAME THING, but rather than market forces driving up the price, Trenton will redirected those additional taxes to the very same people who have proven they couldn’t properly manage the existing Transportation Trust Fund. Does that make ANY sense?
You just have to look at your bottom line for final proof. Does the prospect of less revenue threaten your business? Does a slash in volume potentially mean you have to lay someone off or cut back on expenses? You don’t need flow charts, reams of data, or political commentary to figure this one out.
It is both your civic and personal duty to consider all of this before you vote. Ultimately, however, it is your obligation to help yourself. Remember to VOTE on November 3rd!!
My thanks to everyone that notified me on the status of your SGS equipment deliveries. Although many have received your equipment already, many more have not. Please be aware that some NJGCA members have received their equipment in separate boxes spread out over a few days. Others have had a single pallet delivered with all the necessary parts included. All members have reported that assembly requires roughly 4 or 5 hours to complete. Please consider all of these factors as your equipment is delivered. If you have any egregious problems, notify me at once!
Thanks for listening - See you next week!
Sal Risalvato
Executive Director
•Participate in the NJGCA PAC today and help us keep our Agenda rolling in Trenton!
•Take your inspector Refresher Course with NJGCA! November and December classes added!
BUSINESS TOOLS: Great Savings for NJGCA Members!
•Want to SAVE MORE money on your business expenses? Take advantage of our MBPs!
•Diagnose check engine lights before they appear! A GREAT tool for your shop!
•Take advantage of this program and get recognized for your "green" credentials!
•Health Care Bill unveiled by Congressional House Leaders
•Gubernatorial candidates talk about hiking Gas Tax in NJ
•Residents still have opportunity to vote-by-mail
•NY Post: A Garden State Tax Revolt?
Check out all of our MBPs and Programs designed to SAVE YOU MONEY!
Looking for something? Take a look at our list of useful links!
Find all our communications and search for old e-newsletters. Take a look!
Need to catch up on events? Want to see what's going on? Find out here!
Henry Darden: Territory Manager for Middlesex, Union, Part of Essex (Southern Half)
Cell: 908-247-2992
Email: henry@njgca.org
Jack Leli: Territory Manager for Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Ocean, Salem
Cell: 732-995-1637
Email: jack@njgca.org
Bob Quirk: Territory Manager for Bergen, Hudson, Part of Essex (Northern Half)
Cell: 201-214-8836
E-mail: bob@njgca.org
Frank Stewart: Territory Manager for Morris, Sussex, Warren, Hunterdon, Passaic
Cell: 973-234-7403
Email: frank@njgca.org
Don Stohrer: Territory Manager for Monmouth, Mercer, Somerset
Cell: 732-539-2955
Email: don@njgca.org

Ensuring our friends in the legislature are re-elected and advocating for our agenda in Trenton are of utmost importance to the agenda of NJGCA.
It is for this reason that your Association has established the NJGCA PAC.
For too long, the weight of funding our Political Action Committee, the arm of the Association responsible for political donations, has rested upon the shoulders of a few. This is not fair to them, and it is not fair to many of you who are relying on the benefits of good legislation being passed in Trenton.
To truly understand the importance of fundraising for our allies, let’s look back upon the overwhelming successes of the last year:
NJGCA successfully lobbied against BELOW COST SELLING. If approved, BELOW COST SELLING would have cost each of you thousands of dollars and put many of you out of businesses. NJGCA leaned on some of our friends in the Assembly and literally had the bill pulled off the floor on the day it was scheduled to be voted on. Our friends in the Legislature helped us get this accomplished.
NJGCA made history and led the charge to pass the most comprehensive protection of franchisees in decades with FIRST RIGHT OF REFUSAL legislation. FIRST RIGHT OF REFUSAL passed only because NJGCA and dealers throughout the state were able to lean on several friends in the Assembly and the Senate.
NJGCA has been rallying support for RIGHT TO REPAIR over the last two years among key legislators. This would end the practice of car manufacturers denying you the codes necessary to complete the repairs you make on your customers cars. Every state has tried to pass RIGHT TO REPAIR and no state has even been able to get the legislation out of committee. Because of our friends in the Legislature, NJGCA has been successful in getting this bill passed by the Assembly and now awaits a vote in the Senate.
I am asking some of you as individuals to make a contribution and attend a fundraising event sponsored by one of our friends in the Assembly.
However, we will not be able to host events for all of our friends, so the NJGCA PAC will have to make contributions. You will be receiving letters soon from the NJGCA PAC asking you to make contributions.
If every member contributes just $100.00 we will be able to provide the help necessary to ensure victory for our allies.
I understand that times are tough for all NJGCA members, but this is just as important as any battle we have fought in the past.
We have made great progress in Trenton. I hope that you will answer the call.

Due to overwhelming demand, NJGCA has added additional classes in November and December. As you know, the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission has recently sent out a VID message to all Private Inspection Stations in state.
All currently licensed Inspectors must complete an Inspector refresher course and pass a general knowledge exam with a grade of 80% or better to remain in the program. If any test-taker answers 11 questions wrong, they will automatically fail. A hands-on test for licensed Inspectors will not be required.
Inspectors will have until December 31, 2009 to take and pass the test.
Current Licensed Emission Inspectors only need the “Re-Fresher Course” and the “Written Exam”. New Emission Inspectors will be given a “Hands On” test separately at your place of employment by the State of New Jersey.
NJGCA will be offering refresher courses at the following two locations. Classes will take place over five evenings and one afternoon:
NJGCA Headquarters
66 Morris Avenue
Springfield, NJ 07087
November: 3, 5, 10, 12, 17 and 19th
NJGCA Headquarters
66 Morris Avenue
Springfield, NJ 07087
December: 1, 3, 8, 10 15 and 17th
NJGCA Members Cost - $349.00
Non-Members Cost - $489.00
Manuals are included in the prices above and payment is due upon registration. All classes are 6:45 pm to 10:00 pm; the “Written Exam” will be given on the last day at 12:00pm at NJGCA Headquarters in Springfield, NJ.
If you are interested, please contact our office to enroll in a class.
Please contact Debbie Hill at 973-376-0066 with any questions.

BUSINESS TOOLS: Great Savings for NJGCA Members!
In a difficult economy, EVERYONE wants to SAVE as much as possible!
Luckily NJGCA has just what you need to save you a bundle!!
Take a look at the list below for some of our MBP products and services – And start saving TODAY!
•Garage Liability Insurance: Get great coverage and earn a dividend for qualified location. Also offering your employees discounts insurance products (home, auto, etc).
•Workmen's Compensation Coverage: Save 5-15% upfront AND year end dividends!
•Blue Cross/Blue Shield: Get excellent health insurance coverage at Association rates! Customize your healthcare and save even more!
•Credit Card Processing: Reduce your costs by 15-30% today! And best of all, you probably don't have to move or change processors!
•Commercial and Personal lending specialists
•Equipment and Acquisition Financing
•Collection Agency Services at discounted rates
•Credit Restoration Services
•Phone Service 20-30% lower than Verizon or AT&T
•Computer and Office Supplies
•Industry Specific Business Consulting
•Environmental Remediation, Testing and Consulting
•Pump and Tank Contractors to stay in state compliance
•Service Station Supply Contractors, include Bulk Oil
•Automotive Tools, Scanners, Shop Equipment, Lifts at great prices
•Coin Operated Air/Vacuum Machines - Installed Completely Free
All Quotes are FREE - BUT ONLY NJGCA MEMBERS can partake in the Savings.
Call Phil Apruzzi at 973-376-0066 to get quotes on all these MBP services and start saving today!!

Let Nu-Path Logic® diagnostic software ( www.ph2solutions.com ) help expand your emission repair business and add value to customers by offering their failed vehicle “same-day” diagnosis, repair and successful re-inspection service. Experience how Nu-Path: slashes the diagnostic time and effort your current tools require; accurately detects failures before Check Engine Lights appear; validates repairs with a quick automated 15 minute readiness drive cycle process. To schedule a demonstration and see if you’re eligible for a software trial, contact Gloria Cowart at: 973-902-5517.

NJGCA is participating in the NJ Green Automotive Repair Council along with AAA-NJ, the NJ Coalition of Automotive Retailers (NJCAR), and the NJ Department of Environmental Protection.
The council's mission is to encourage NJ automotive repair facilities to adopt environmentally responsible business practices.
Through a certification program for dealership and independent automotive repair facilities, the council will also establish “green” repair standards. Those who are reviewed and qualify will receive certification. Stickers will also be given to those facilities to illustrate their participation in the program.
If you would like to participate in the program and fill out an application, please contact Debbie Hill at 973-376-0066. An application fee and annual review fee are applicable.
More facts about the program are available www.njgreenautorepair.org

Health Care Bill unveiled by Congressional House Leaders
After months of negotiations, House Leaders unveiled a health care reform bill on Thursday. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the bill will spend $1.05 trillion dollars to expand health insurance and be paid for with new taxes. The legislation will extend insurance coverage to 36 million Americans currently without health insurance and create a government run health insurance program. Critics state that the plan will overtax those who currently have private health insurance and create a tax hikes that will harm job creation.
Gubernatorial candidates talk about hiking Gas Tax in NJ
The next Governor of New Jersey will have to decide how to generate enough money to make needed infrastructure repairs and replenish the Transportation Trust Fund. One solution under consideration by Governor Corzine and Gubernatorial Candidate Chris Daggett would be to raise New Jersey’s Gas Tax, currently the 4th lowest in the nation.
Residents still have opportunity to vote-by-mail
For anyone who is registered to vote but realizes that they will not be able to get to the polls on Election Day, you can still take advantage of New Jersey’s Vote by Mail system. Voters have until 3 p.m. on Monday request a ballot, but must return the completed ballot to their county’s Board of Election by 8pm on Tuesday. Click above for more details.
NY Post: A Garden State Tax Revolt?
With New Jersey residents heading to the polls on Tuesday to elect their next Governor and all 80 members of the Assembly, the NY Post ponders if a Tax Revolt is about to erupt in Garden State as residents continue to be plagued by highest-in-the-nation taxes.