November 7, 2008
Dear NJGCA Member:
DEP is at it again! This time they are targeting Convenience Stores with stupid laws. Are you aware that there is a law that prohibits vehicle owners from idling their cars too long?
Customers that park their cars and leave their motors running while they run in to your store are subject to a fine….BUT…the proprietor of the Convenience Store is also subject to a fine when failing to post signs informing motorists that it is unlawful to idle their vehicles for longer than 3 minutes.
With colder weather ahead, it is common for motorists to leave cars running. I myself leave my motor running when I run in for my morning coffee. Who likes to drive a cold vehicle?
We have been informed that environmentally concerned citizens will be on the lookout for these violations and will be notifying DEP. Members have already been cited for not displaying the proper signs. DO NOT allow this to happen to you. Signs must be posted in accordance with the law. You can find more information and an order form for the proper signs on the NJDEP web site
OK…it is time to be blunt! Stop running your business like a dope! Simple mathematics clearly demonstrates that if you continually cut your profit margin, you will lose money and go out of business. You are all lowering profit margins because your volume has dropped. You point to the competition down the street and blame him. Then you call me!
Let me save you the phone call. Here are the facts. Gasoline consumption nationwide is down dramatically. You are all fighting for a smaller piece of the pie. Minimum profit margins when labor and other business costs are factored dictate that your profit on every gallon of gas should be at least 20 cents a gallon. Please explain to me why you dash out to the pumps and lower your price in order to make less than 10 cents per gallon? HOLD YOUR PROFIT MARGIN! LOWER PRICES ONLY WHEN DELIVERED COSTS ARE REDUCED! FORCE THE OIL COMPANIES TO REDUCE THEIR PRICES…..NOT YOU!
You know that it is unlawful to change your price (up or down) more than once in a 24 hour period. You know that I disagree with the law. COMPLY WITH THE LAW! I will report retailers who lower their price more than once in a 24 hour period. I will not allow one operator to collectively harm our members. Unfortunately, Weights and Measures seem to be much slower to investigate price decreases that violate the law, than they are to investigate price increases.
Efforts have been made in Trenton to form a coalition of business organizations to act as a watchdog over State Government spending and tax policies. NJGCA has joined the NJ Taxpayer Alliance in order to have a louder voice advocating for policies that will effectuate a better climate for small businesses in our state. NJTA pledges to hold elected officials and administrators accountable for sound fiscal management of our tax dollars. Some of the other organizations that have formed this alliance include the NJ Restaurant Association, Excellent Education for Everyone (E3), and Commerce and Industry Association of NJ. Find out more at
In the past 18 months I have taken steps to better our relationship with other organizations too. Our friends at the AASP/NJ invited me to speak to their members last week at their annual banquet. I was pleased to do so, and their members welcomed me warmly. I greatly appreciate the efforts that AASP/NJ Executive Director Charles Bryant has made to work with me on many issues in Trenton. Our partnership continues to grow stronger, and I anticipate other exciting ventures that we hope to announce soon.
Our collaborations will not end there. My objective is to break down barriers and work with any outside organization having similar goals as NJGCA. As the business community is continually assaulted, we will view other organizations are our friends and not our rivals. We must build these alliances collectively or suffer separately in the years ahead.
See you next week!
Sal Risalvato
Executive Director
•ATS Gold Plan Testing Program – SIGN UP TODAY!!
•NJGCA in the News: Risalvato discusses low pump prices
•NJGCA in the News: Association defends Right to Repair
•State Pension Blues: Governor defends Division of Investment
•Small business loans in NJ drop

All business owners know running a small business is expensive and never easy. When a great opportunity comes along and allows you SAVE MONEY and simplify your responsibilities, you have to take notice.
That’s why NJGCA has negotiated an agreement with our partners at ATS Environmental Services to save money for all service station owners.
For 2009, ATS will offer a steeply discounted compliance testing program to all NJGCA members.
The ATS Gold Plan Testing Program package, can save you up to 50% on testing in 2009. The program will begin shortly after the New Year and includes Stage II Vapor Recovery, Tank Testing, Line Testing, and more.
You can read more on the offer on page 21 of the September issue of our On The Road quarterly publication.
However, to qualify you HAVE TO SIGN UP BEFORE DECEMBER 31ST or you will NOT qualify for this special pricing!!
DON’T WAIT!! I encourage all retailers to take advantage of this program we have arranged on your behalf.
If you have any questions, you can contact me or Director of Member Services, Debbie Hill.

NJGCA in the News: Risalvato discusses low pump prices
Executive Director Sal Risalvato spoke with reporter David Willis of the Asbury Park Press regarding the fall of gasoline prices and what we can expect in the short term at the pump. Click above to see what Sal had to say.
NJGCA in the News: Association defends Right to Repair
An article appeared in the New York Times regarding industry response to the Right to Repair Act’s passage in the New Jersey General Assembly. Executive Director Sal Risalvato spoke with reporter Christopher Jensen on why Right to Repair should be law in New Jersey.
State Pension Blues: Governor defends Division of Investment
Governor Corzine defended the state Division of Investment’s $144 million infusion into a faltering hedge fund. Legislators have called for further transparency in the system, but the Governor has chided critics and asked them to allow “these professionals to do their jobs” in protecting state investments.
Small business loans in NJ drop
Following a national trend, the number of New Jersey small business loans has decline in recent months. Sources from the Small Business Administration cite a rise in lender requirements and a delay in new small business start ups in the current fiscal environment.