May 8, 2009
Dear NJGCA Member:
Over the last four months, we have made a tremendous effort to get our agenda heard in Trenton. And thanks to YOU, Team NJGCA, and our allies, there is some light at the end of the tunnel!
As I write this, NJGCA is pressing Legislators to pass our First Right of Refusal initiative. Many of you know we are in a race against the clock to see this bill become law before Shell, Exxon, Sunoco, and Lukoil divest their retail assets in New Jersey. It is imperative that we get this measure signed into law as soon as possible or many small business lessees will be harmed in the process.
As of right now, I’m thrilled to say we believe there is an ideal opportunity to have the bill before the Assembly on May 21st for final passage.
Even more immediate is our Right to Repair legislation. Thanks to YOUR efforts in calling and emailing her office, Senator Gill has agreed to post the bill before the Senate Commerce Committee before the end of May. We believe that it will be scheduled for May 14th.
In both cases, we will update you with more information as it becomes available. However, YOU NEED TO ACT as soon as we have the proper information. That means you need to be on the lookout for a Wildfire Alert with details on how to proceed.
Events this week aren’t limited to Trenton alone. In Washington, Congress is currently debating the need for a Cash-for-Clunkers bill. If passed, the program will offer consumers up to $4,500 to purchase a new vehicle. Congress is pegging this measure as a move to both spur manufacturing and stabilize the new-car market.
However, the entire bill hinges not on how old a vehicle is, but must meet gas mileage requirements. In other words, those who trade in less-fuel conscious products for more eco-friendly vehicles get more money toward their new purchase. And of course there are endless stipulations to qualify.
On its face, this bill may appear bad for those in the automotive repair field. After all, if people are encouraged to purchase new cars, the number of older vehicles being serviced by our members would dwindle.
That may happen – and it also may not. Pushing a national Cash-for-Clunkers bill makes for good politics, but does not guarantee a huge upturn in sales. Why? Well for starters the credit and financial markets are still a mess – many will not qualify for financing. Still others are leery about current economic conditions and may shy away from major purchases.
And then, of course, there are the endless conditions and red tape that the environmental-zealots will place on the program – some consumers may not want to bother!
Regardless, one thing is very clear: The used car market is red hot right now and everything says it will continue to be. So even if a raft of used vehicles are turned in for new metal, don’t fret – cause those used cars are still going to car lots to be sold to consumers.
If anything, it could mean a new opportunity for you to service a customer!
Thanks for listening - See you next week!
Sal Risalvato
Executive Director
•BUSINESS FOR SALE: Looking for a new location?
•HELP WANTED: Do you know someone who can fill this position?
BUSINESS TOOLS: National Credit Solutions
•Do you have credit problems? Improve your credit with NCS Group!
•Take advantage of this program and get recognized for your "green" credentials!
•Panel studies municipal consolidation
•Congress debates value of Cash-for-Clunkers program
•$1.2 Billion deficit expected for the rest of the fiscal year
•State considers immunity for underage drinkers who call for assistance
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Emily Bielen, owner of John’s American Service Center, is selling her small business.
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: A corner service station; has been owned and operated by the same proprietor since 1956. The owner is retiring and seeks interested parties. The station has two bays with lifts and an office. Currently the station performs full service automotive repairs and tire sales. Gas pumps and tanks were completely upgraded to EPA guidelines in 1994, including double-wall fiberglass tanks and lines.
Property also includes a 3-family, fully rented apartment building. A two-car garage and a three-car garage are also included on the property; either can be used for additional storage or rental.
All buildings and garages will be included in the sale.
PROPERTY LOCATION: The station is a corner lot located at the intersection of 16th Street & Grove Street in Irvington, conveniently situated one block up from Garden State Parkway Exit 144.
For full location details and to view this classified ad, please click HERE
Interested parties are to contact Emily Bielen at 732-388-9291.
If you are interested in placing a classified ad, please contact Debbie Hill.
Somerset based Shell Station seeks a proefessional and reliable Front Office Manager with excellent communications skills. Must be well organized and able to multi-task and delegate work as required. We are a family owned auto repair and car rental business, operating since 1946.
Interested parties: Please contact Frank Resta at 732-887-7773 for further information and to arrange an interview.
BUSINESS TOOLS: National Credit Solutions
Because of the current credit crunch with our economy, many of you are wondering if there is anything that you can do to improve your credit position. NJGCA may have a solution to your credit concerns. We are working with the NCS Group. NCS offers credit repair, restoration and education through their exclusive Multi-Phase System™.
“At National Credit Solutions their only mission is to change the lives of their clients by restoring their credit and their confidence to a level that allows them to embrace their dreams and goals in obtaining homes, cars and endless opportunities.”
Is your credit score too low for you to do a loan at this time? Would higher credit scores enable you to qualify for lower interest rates, qualify for lower down payments, purchase more home, save dollars on all your home, auto, life and health insurance policies?
NCS offers a free evaluation and consultation after they have evaluated your credit report. After the free evaluation and consultation and then, when the restoration process is complete and we have raised your credit score and standardized your report, you are eligible, free of charge, for up to 36 months of financial counseling and education.
If the answers to the above questions are yes, please call Charles Gray at National Credit Solutions. Charles may be reached at 201 498-1105.
You can also contact Phil Apruzzi at the NJGCA office to get you “On The Road” to credit restoration. Phil can be reached at 973-376-0066 x- 209. Don’t forget you can also contact the NJGCA Territory Manager for your area.
Visit the NCS website to learn more;
NJGCA is participating in the NJ Green Automotive Repair Council along with AAA-NJ, the NJ Coalition of Automotive Retailers (NJCAR), and the NJ Department of Environmental Protection.
The council's mission is to encourage NJ automotive repair facilities to adopt environmentally responsible business practices.
Through a certification program for dealership and independent automotive repair facilities, the council will also establish “green” repair standards. Those who are reviewed and qualify will receive certification. Stickers will also be given to those facilities to illustrate their participation in the program.
If you would like to participate in the program and fill out an application, please contact Debbie Hill at 973-376-0066. An application fee and annual review fee are applicable.
More facts about the program are available

Panel studies municipal consolidation
A state commission formed to study town mergers will soon turn its attention to municipalities in South Jersey after concluding a studying in North Jersey. The panel was formed to help determine which municipalities may realize savings by merging or sharing services. The group hopes to have its final recommendations by the fall.
Congress debates value of Cash-for-Clunkers program
With new cars sales lagging and environmental concerns rising, Congress is nearing final approval of a measure which will see motorist encouraged to make a new-car purchase. Up to $4,500 will be made available for those who trade in their vehicles for more fuel-conscious cars.
$1.2 Billion deficit expected for the rest of the fiscal year
Due to a significant drop in income and sales taxes, state officials predict New Jersey will end the current fiscal year with a $1.2 billion deficit. Previously, Governor Corzine predicted the state would finish the year with a $700 million surplus when the current fiscal year ends on June 30th.
State considers immunity for underage drinkers who call for assistance
A proposal before the Senate would shield underage drinkers from prosecution if they call for help while intoxicated. The measure aims to prevent under-21 year old residents from seeking medical attention if they have been drinking illegally.