July 11, 2008
Dear NJGCA Member:
Two weeks ago we brought you news that the Attorney General sensationalized her “report on dishonest retailers” and that NJGCA held a press conference condemning her allegations as misleading rhetoric.
We are moving full steam ahead with our request for documents from the Attorney General’s office.
As has been reported in the media, I believe those retailers that conducted themselves dishonestly should be punished. I will not defend any retailer that knowingly scams their customers and unfairly taints honest businesses.
The list released by the Attorney General contained many names that should not have been included. Although I believe the Department of Weights and Measures did their job professionally and fairly, I strongly feel that the Attorney General misused the information Weights and Measures provided to paint honest businesses as dishonest.
We will never fully know the true circumstances unless we gain access to the materials the Attorney General used to maker her determination. As such, I have has filed an OPRA (Open Public Records Act) request to retrieve all documents from the Attorney General regarding this report. I have called for all records, emails, forms, and communications between the various state entities to be made public in determining who was to be placed on the “dishonest” list.
State officials have seven days from the time they receive my request to respond. While I am reasonable enough to understand if mistakes were made in compiling the “dishonest” list, the public deserves access to scrutinize the data.
If the records prove that the information provided DID NOT validate her claims, it will demonstrate the Attorney General was grandstanding to win points with consumers. That kind of behavior is slanderous and, at the very least, the Attorney General must apologize for the incalculable damage she has levied on all business owners that sell gasoline. Failing all else, once our investigation and review of the OPRA documents are concluded, I will explore what legal options NJGCA will have in redeeming the reputation of our members.
Our press conference has been widely reported in the media and we hope that you have taken notice. The response has been largely positive as the public has now heard our side of the issue.
If you have not done so, check out the In Case You Missed It newsletter NJGCA sent out recently. Please take a few minutes to watch the newscasts and read through the articles to stay on top of what is transpiring. Click HERE to view it.
Additionally, if you have been unfairly included on the Attorney General’s list – or know of a fellow retailer who has – please contact me at NJGCA headquarters. I want to document all such cases and hear how it may have affected business.
Thanks for reading. See you next week!
Sal Risalvato
Executive Director
Corzine considers privatizing Turnpike lanes
Garden State pays more, gets less back from Washington
Governor signs "first phase of universal healthcare" plan
Easing ethanol production: Governor urged to petition Feds to lower mandate

If anything can be taken from the Attorney General’s report it is the need keep your pumps properly calibrated. This should be done to not only stay in compliance, but to prevent a loss at your pumps. Remember that mandatory ethanol content in gasoline slowly erodes your calibration, potentially allowing for your pumps to give away fuel in small increments.
As the price gas prices skyrocket, even giving away a few teaspoons per customer will eventually add up to a noticeable loss. Don’t let this happy to you. You should be getting your pumps calibrated quarterly.
NJGCA has arrangement with Top Dog Nozzle Company to have your pumps inspected. A representative will come to your location and test your calibrations for free. Contact Kevin Madison at 1-800-338-2767 or 201-612-9957 to make an appointment. Take advantage of this opportunity we have negotiated on your behalf and stop giving fuel away!

Corzine considers privatizing Turnpike lanes
Governor Corzine is considering a proposal which would allow private companies to operate lanes on the New Jersey Turnpike in exchange for a capital infusion to fund infrastructure repairs.
Garden State pays more, gets less back from Washington
New Jersey now gets less back from the Federal government than any other state in the Union. Experts cite New Jersey’s great wealth and substantial tax base as the cause.
Governor signs “first phase of universal health care” plan
Governor Corzine signed a healthcare reform bill which will seeks to give healthcare coverage to children in New Jersey within three years, as well as cover needy adults. The bill is the first phase of a multi-year plan that will ultimately seek to provide insurance policies for 1.3 million uninsured New Jersey residents as well as off clinic services for 300,000 illegal immigrants living in state.
Easing ethanol production: Governor urged to petition Feds to lower mandate
New Jersey families are finding it difficult to make ends meet as the price of food continues to rise. Advocates claim that an increase in bio-fuel production has driven up food prices as key crops like corn are used to produce ethanol and have urged Governor Corzine to ask the Federal government to ease mandates.